
Posts Tagged ‘conversation’

So I thought I should start out by explaining why I have decided to blog. 

First of all, I feel compelled to write about my spiritual journey, and it seems such a waste to scribble in a series of dog-eared notebooks that no-one will ever read. 

Flower growing on stony ground.

Flower growing on stony ground in Israel.

And then, perhaps you will read something here that inspires you. Perhaps something I write will provoke a response that causes each of us to grow in spiritual maturity. 

Perhaps my writing will, in some tiny, tiny way, make the world a better place, just like a seed scattered on stony ground sometimes produces a flower.

I love to write, or rather, I love to wrestle with the words on the page, struggling to pin down an elusive concept in words that ring true, to evoke an image or an emotion.  And through my words, I hope to bring you, the reader, into my world for a moment —  into my searching, my questioning, my evolving faith.

And perhaps, if I get it right, you will feel compelled to join the conversation, to add a comment or share a story of your encounter with God, and we will all be the richer for it.

Let us see where this blogging will take us.


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